2018 STARS Celebration Conference

a leadership & professional development conference

for college students and faculty who are interested in

taking action to broaden participation in computing


The first 50 to register will receive free registration with code


The STARS Celebration conference program features sessions on best practices in broadening participation in computing, hands-on training workshops for conducting computer science outreach programs for K-12 students, professional development sessions for both faculty and students, and a student poster session highlighting computing research, outreach, and service projects.The STARS Celebration conference also serves to build and sustain the STARS Computing Corps (STARS) community. STARS is an NSF-funded alliance of more than 50 colleges and universities with a mission to develop college students and faculty as leaders who broaden participation women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities in computing. STARS student members take an active role in broadening participation in computing and develop their technical skills by leading service learning projects, including near-peer outreach that introduces K-12 students to computing as well as within-department peer tutoring, mentoring, and research collaborations. Since 2006, over 2600 STARS students and 80 faculty across 53 academic institutions have reached more than 140,000 K-12 students in STARS outreach programs. 

The STARS Celebration welcomes existing members of the STARS Computing Corps as well as newcomers who are interested in learning about how to take action and connect to national resources for broadening participation in computing!

Join us for STARS Celebration 2018!

September 22, 2018

Orlando, FL

co-located with the Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing

9801 International Drive
Orlando, Florida 32819
Tel: +1 407 284 1234

Students, submit your posters on research, outreach, and service! 

Poster submission deadline: Sept. 15, 2018

Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=starscelebration2018